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No matter who you are, with a cup of Doi Dep tea, you can live slowly. Know how to slowly wait for the tea to brew. Know how to gently blow on the surface of the tea to reduce the heat. Know how to slowly enjoy each sip, to inhale each gentle and warm scent.

On these vast spring days, you can slow down and leisurely welcome the new day with a pot of "indispensable" Oolong Pearl Flavor tea.

Trà Đôi Dép

Let's brew a pot of love tea

Pour out two cups for yourself and me

The scent of tea wraps around people late at night and early in the morning

Just a fleeting moment is rich...!

Your cup of Tea has a story, my cup of Tea has a feeling, our cup of Tea has the flavor of life...

Perhaps due to the gentle highland climate, the people of Bao Loc tea city are very close and natural, love tea naturally and come to tea in a very natural way. Enjoying a cup of Tea grown from drops of sweat is like drinking the entire sky of Bao Loc, and quietly feeling the flow of time telling us poetic stories...

Through the movements of making Tea, the lessons learned while enjoying Tea will help you gradually relax, little by little, focus and connect. The hustle and bustle of the bustling city has stopped behind the door, behind the door, at the table, there are only slow times, moments of calm and relaxation with a cup of tea and meaningful lessons. means.

Trà Đôi Dép

Tea guides each person back to true nature, naturalness in speech, nature in actions as well as nature in daily thinking. What is natural is what is natural, everything changes when we look at everything through the eyes of nature and simplicity. Slowly calm your mind, gradually slowly, you will realize that there are small but peaceful happiness around you, you just need to pay attention and feel. 

As an elite with distinct qualities, Doi Dep Oolong Tea conquers drinkers right from the first weeks of tea. Elegant astringency, soft bitterness, deep and rich sweet aftertaste, the flavor of Doi Dep Oolong Tea is like gentle waves that continuously melt in the palate.

A floating, romantic cloud of incense with soft, noble and delicate scents, gently taking the drinker into a garden filled with fragrant flowers and exotic grasses.

Tea Qi is smooth enough to completely relax the body, deep enough to clear long-term deadlocks, calm enough to calm the mind amidst daily turmoil, and strong enough to help the spirit be excited and inspired. starting in the first days of the year.

Happiness is simply ordinary moments, living a normal life, being with loved ones, slowly drinking tea and sharing together. 

Trà Đôi Dép

Many times in our lives we are constantly busy searching for something worthwhile out there, but sometimes the most valuable thing is just a simple, everyday morning that can be peaceful and healthy. Sit and drink a cup of Tea, relax and feel every aftertaste of joy and love of life imbued in every drop of sweet and quintessential Tea.

It turns out that knowing how to love ordinary things to better understand and cherish the days of ordinary life is also a lesson that is exchanged for many memorable experiences.

I wish for a hundred years to live happily

Just drink a cup of tea in peace

Watch life rain or shine or windy

The heart earnestly sings love songs...


Doi Dep contact information:

  • 0943711616

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