Cách uống trà Đôi Dép giảm mỡ bụng, giảm cân

According to many studies, Doi Dep brand Oolong tea helps purify the body, reduce belly fat, and lose weight, but it needs to be used properly to get the best results. The article below will tell you how to drink Doi Dep tea to reduce belly fat and lose weight.

uống trà Đôi Dép giảm mỡ bụng, giảm cân

In each Oolong Doi Dep tea leaf, the main ingredients are caffeine and  epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has the main effect of turning excess fat into acid, and also helps reduce stress for mental clarity and alertness throughout the day in addition to helping with weight loss and fat loss. Don't worry because the amount of caffeine in Doi Dep Oolong tea is always controlled at a moderate level without causing negative effects on the nervous system.

Besides, triglycerides and cholesterol in Oolong Doi Dep tea also help secrete gastric juice, increase the feeling of fullness for a long time and speed up the body's metabolism, thereby Drinking Doi Dep tea reduces belly fat, loses weight, and burns excess energy more effectively. According to research, to drink Doi Dep tea to reduce belly fat and weight, you should drink it between meals and 30 minutes before going to bed because at this time using Doi Dep Oolong tea will help reduce the ability to absorb protein and fat. body. Do not drink while eating because it will reduce the ability to absorb vitamin B and can cause edema and toxins. At the same time, you must pay attention to how you brew the tea, because this affects the effects of the tea.

Brew tea properly to drink Doi Dep tea to reduce belly fat and lose weight

You should use boiled mineral water of about 70 - 80% to make tea and use 10 - 12 tea buds with a moderate amount of water to ensure the flavor is retained and not destroy the nutrients in the tea leaves.

uống trà Đôi Dép giảm mỡ bụng, giảm cân

Do not brew Oolong Doi Dep tea with boiling water at 100 degrees or let the tea leaves soak for too long in boiling water, this will cause the polyphenols and vitamin C to be destroyed, and the tea will no longer be pure green. and with that the aroma of the tea is also lost. 

Combine with lemon to drink Doi Dep tea to reduce belly fat and lose weight

Doi Dep Oolong tea has many good health effects, but that doesn't mean you should drink it anytime you like. You need to drink Doi Dep tea to reduce belly fat, lose weight properly, at the right time and without causing harm. for health.

After steeping Oolong Doi Dep tea, wait for the water to cool and you can drop in a few slices of lemon to increase effectiveness. Note that you should not add lemon to tea while the water is still hot because this will make the tea bitter. The time to drink Doi Dep tea to reduce belly fat and weight is in the morning, this will replenish water after a long night and purify your body.

uống trà Đôi Dép giảm mỡ bụng, giảm cân

Drinking a cup of Oolong Doi Dep tea after a salty meal helps diuretic, excrete excess salt from the body or if you accidentally ate too much greasy food that day, you should enjoy a cup of tea 30 minutes later. The ingredients in Doi Dep Oolong tea help with digestion, reducing the absorption of fats in food as well as vitamins that the body needs. Drinking Doi Dep tea 30 minutes to 1 hour after meals is the best way to drink Doi Dep tea to reduce belly fat and weight.

At the same time, you also need to combine it with a reasonable diet and exercise regimen to achieve the best results. Sipping a cup of Doi Dep tea and enjoying the feeling of relaxation after a tiring day is wonderful, isn't it? Oolong Double Slippers tea is not only delicious and good for health, but drinking Double Slipper tea effectively reduces belly fat and weight loss. So choose Doi Dep Oolong tea as a daily drink.

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